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2021-04-02 13:32:25来源:湖南成考网点击:

A. handsome         
B. candle               
C. distance             
D. land
2. A. meat             
B. ready              
C. heat                
D. seat
A. bottom            
B. colour              
C. Monday             
D. ton
A. billion            
B. lab                
C. table                
D. comb
A. tooth              
B. month               
C. father                
6. Johnson will phone his mother as soon as he           in Kunming.
A. arrived                                    
B. arrives
C. will arrive                                 
D. is arriving
7. The young policeman asked           her name was.
A. when                                        
B. who
C. why                                     
D. what
8. This song is very           with young people.
A. pleasant                                   
B. popular
C. favourite                                 
D. beautiful
9. The family          at a small hotel for the night.
A. put up                                     
B. went up
C. got up                                   
D. jumped up
10. "We can't go out in this weather, "said Bob,          out of the window.
A. to have looked                            
B. looked
C. looking                                 
D. to look
11. --Let' s go to the concert tonight, Mary.
    --Sorry, I          . I have to help my morn with the housework.
A. needn' t                                  
B. can' t
C. mustn' t                                 
D. shouldn' t
12. I chose this coat in the end because       ones were all too expensive.
A. the others                                  
B. another
C. others                                      
D. the other
13. We got to the cinema late           the heavy traffic.
A. because of                               
B. instead of
C. according to                              
D. except for
14. David has decided          football at the end of this season.
A. give up                                   
B. giving up
C. to give up                                
D. having given up
15. Clearly,          object of the game is to improve        children' s math skills.
A. 不填; the                            
B. an ; the
C. 不填; 不填                
D. the ; 不填
16.         arriving home she found her old friend already there.
A. On                                       
B. For
C. By                            
D. With
17. He says he has the T-shirt,     I' ve never seen him wear it.
A. after                                     
B. since
C. although                                
D. if
18. When Anna      the room, a group of young men were talking eagerly round the table.
A. enters                                    
B. has entered
C. was entering                              
D. entered
19. --Do you mind if I open the window?
A. Yes, please                               
B. No, go ahead
C. No, please don' t                          
D. Yes,you' d better do
20. A museum      in the city centre next year.
A. will be built                           
B. will build
C. was built                                 
D. built
    Over the summer, my family took a trip to Iceland to see the natural beauty of it. Little did I  21   I would wake up one morning to have my eyes swelled up (肿胀) like balloons! I wasfrightened. So many questions were   22   through my head. Am I allergic (过敏的) to something?Was there some Icelandic disease that I   23    ? The only help I received was some allergy tnedicine   24   a clinic nearby. Nothing was working.
   When the trip was over, I went to see my doctor. She gave me eye drops, but clearly theyweren't worth the time or   25   and the swelling got worse and worse.
   I finally decided that it would be best for me to   26   being so sad and take it easy and havefun. It was summer after all. I had a fun night with my friends as if nothing was   27  . The nextmorning I woke up and went to   28   how swollen my eyes were, only to find myself   29   at mynormal face. It was a miracle (奇迹). I  30  asking myself why I hadn' t done that earlier. Wasbeing with my friends and having fun really the   31   to my problem?
   To this day I still do not know what I had, and   32   do any of the many doctors that I   33   during the summer. I would really like to go back to Iceland to see the Northern Lights,  34   I amvery much frightened that I am just allergic to the country. I hope I never   35   having suchterrible swelling in my eyes ever again.
21. A. know            B. doubt               C. insist               D. fear
22. A. cutting      B. going                C. pulling              D.hurrying
23. A. caused          B. fought               C. caught              D. treated
24. A. on              B. from               C. with               D. to
25. A. pain             B. adventure           C. weight              D. money
26. A. try           B. mind                C. prefer               D. stop
27. A. fair           B. mistaken             C. similar               D. wrong
28. A. check            B. explain              C. describe             D. mark
29. A. aiming       B. looking              C. waving               D. pointing
30. A. missed      B. kept                 C. regretted             D. excused
31. A. way         B. relation              C. answer               D. devotion
32. A. neither           B. none                 C. either                D. no
33. A. hated            B. employed          C. disappointed         D. visited
34. A. so               B. or                  C. but                 D. for
35. A. finish       B. forgive               C. experience           D.consider








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